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/RSS FeedThis is one of those songs that came after many false starts and unproductive sessions. Sometimes trying to find the right idea – musically or lyrically – is like casting…
Summertime Rain
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/RSS FeedLyrically speaking, Summertime Rain is an odd song for me. Instead of trying to tell a story, when I wrote this, I was trying to tell a particular feeling. If…
Robots and Aliens
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/RSS FeedI started this song aiming for something calmer than the others I’ve posted so far, so before I laid down a single note, I set a slow tempo. Proving that music…
The Life of a Mouse
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/RSS FeedI guess it’s normal for me to come up with music first, then start writing words that seem to fit it. Life of a Mouse started that way. A few…
Really Sad Love Song
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/RSS FeedValentine’s day is coming up, so I figured I’d do a song about love. Really Sad Love Song is about an artist who realizes that many of the best songs…
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/RSS FeedTo come up with the music for Monster, I just added and removed instruments, notes, and parts until I came up with the basis of something I liked. At that…